Starting a Business? Check out the Manassas Business Start Up Guide.

A Virginia Leader in Business and Jobs

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Historic Heart. Modern Beat.

Manassas is attracting a creative class of entrepreneurs who are changing the face of our City.

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Micron Expands in Manassas

The City’s largest employer, in the midst of a $3 billion expansion, and other industry leaders are fueling economic growth in Manassas.

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Hub of Culture & Entertainment

With a beat unlike any other, Historic Downtown Manassas is a hub of culture, entertainment, dining, and the arts.

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The Landing

This catalytic mixed-use development is a symbol of an exciting, thriving Manassas.

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We are very proud of our center in Manassas, Virginia. It is absolutely a world-class manufacturing center driven by the local talent pool.

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Sanjay Mehrotra, President and CEO
Micron Technology, Inc.

During our site selection and buildout phases, the City of Manassas provided us with exceptionally responsive and positive support. We dealt with a handful of people as opposed to dozens who we would have worked with from a county or large municipality… Manassas and the Commonwealth of Virginia provided us with Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development (AFID) Fund grant for $50,000 to help us with our plant expansion. Those funds will help us triple our manufacturing capability, add jobs, and grow our startup venture. We will tell anyone who asks — Manassas is a great place to do business!

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Bill Karlson, Co-Founder, CEO
KO Distilling 

We, at Shining Sol Candle Company, didn’t have to think twice when the opportunity presented itself to launch our first retail location in the City of Manassas. There’s a sense of community in the City that a lot of the hustle-bustle areas of Northern Virginia lack. The City of Manassas could not have been more accommodating and we have nothing but kudos for everything they have done for us, and continue to do, and we look forward to what the future holds for us both.

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Deron Blevins
Shining Sol Candle Company

It was quickly realized that Manassas was a perfect fit and became a crucial next step in our journey to rolling out our next-generation manufacturing here in Virginia. By breathing new life into this facility, which has been a staple in Manassas for more than 40 years, we are excited to set the stage for the next evolution of unmanned systems… We look forward to delivering tomorrow’s solutions right here in Manassas.

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Jay Gundlach, Ph.D, CEO

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Highest Manufacturing Wage in Virginia


Daily In-Commuters


Highest Weekly Wage in Virginia


Highest Professional & Technical Services Wage

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We’re thrilled to see Virginia recognized as the #1 state for business by CNBC!

The ranking heavily weighted site readiness, citing the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program as a key factor.

The Commonwealth also scored in the top half of ALL 10 categories, including #1 for education!

Learn more here:

#BusinessFriendlyState #OpenForBusiness #ChooseManassas
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According to our latest findings, City of Manassas real estate remains in hot demand as only 1.9% of commercial property is available Citywide.

See how the industrial, retail, and office sectors stack up in our freshly released Quarterly Report🔥

#choosemanassas #hotmarket #manassasrealestate #QuarterlyReport #2ndquarter2024
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2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Good report. Great details ❗️

Great management in our Manassas City . Thank you ...

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