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Manassas Gets to Work on Getting Residents Back to Work

When you think back to 6 months ago, it feels like years ago! February was such a different time; the local economy was thriving and unemployment in Manassas was at an unprecedented low of only 2%. Then the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. The City initially used...

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Manassas Helping Residents Get Back to Work

City Takes Innovative Approach to Using CARES Act Funds Manassas, VA –August 19, 2020 –The City of Manassas is dedicating $400,000 to expanding its long-standing partnerships with SkillSource and Northern Virginia Community College. The funds will directly help...

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Manassas Moves Into Phase Three Wednesday, July 1

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said Tuesday that he plans to loosen business and social restrictions for the whole state July 1, moving into Phase Three reopening an economy he largely shuttered in March amid an outbreak of the novel coronavirus. Northam said he...

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Manassas Moves Into Phase One

Manassas Moves Into Phase One Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has announced that on Friday, May 29, Northern Virginia will enter phase one of his three phase reopening plan. Non-essential retail, outdoor dining at restaurants, and barber shops will all have the...

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Phase One of Manassas Reopening Set for May 29

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has announced that on Friday, May 29, Northern Virginia will enter phase one of his three phase reopening plan. Non-essential retail, outdoor dining at restaurants, and barber shops will all be able to reopen with some restrictions,...

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