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A Virginia Leader in Business and Jobs

A Beginner’s Guide to Selling Online

These are challenging times for retailers, to put it mildly. Every establishment is different, but for many boutique shops and other small businesses that depend on foot traffic, the COVID-19 crisis has been devastating. Manassas businesses are no exception, with...

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Virginia is for Restaurant Lovers Takeout Week in Manassas

As we all settle into COVID-19 hunker-down-mode, which is our new reality at least for a while, it’s important for us all to help each other out however we can – from a distance, of course. And while this crisis is affecting nearly every Virginian, restaurants are...

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Reminder: Grant Funding Available

We want to remind the business community of two federal grant programs available to support you during this pandemic: the WIOA Rapid Response Funding and Economic Injury Disaster Loans. We've heard from several local businesses whose applications have been awarded...

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SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to COVID-19

The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).   A declaration was recently issued to make these loans...

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Support Local Manassas Businesses During COVID-19

As a City, our first priority is keeping residents safe. We recommend everyone practice social distancing and follow the safety precautions recommended by the CDC. While you focus on staying safe and healthy, there are different things you can do to protect the health...

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